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Tropical Neurology

Автор: К. Misra. J. Kalita. R. A. Shakir

Год: 2003

Страницы: 548

Язык: Английский

Издательство: Landes Bioscience

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Tropical neurology refers to those diseases of the nervous system which prevail between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Warm and humid tropical climates are ideal for growth and multiplication. The diversity and density of flora and fauna, including the human population, is not surprising in this region. Initially the tropical diseases included mainly the infectious and parasitic diseases. Today the world population is close to 5.6 billion and by 2050, is likely to exceed 10 billion; much of this growth is likely to occur in the tropical region. To this are added the problems of environmental changes and global warming. The common neurological diseases like stroke and epilepsy also have markedly distinct etiological, clinical and prognostic features in tropical countries.


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